Предпазни мерки при използването на електролитни кондензатори с чип
X2 ANC capacitors,film capacitor manufacturers in the use of chip aluminum electrolytic capacitors please note the following points, chip electrolytic capacitors will cause its characteristics to deteriorate sharply when carrying the following load. Precautions for the use of chip electrolytic capacitors.
1、Inverse voltage
2、Voltage exceeds the rated value
Производител на филмови кондензатори
3、Ripple current exceeds the rated value
4、Rapid charging and discharging
At this time, the chip electrolytic capacitor may generate a lot of heat, the internal air pressure rises, resulting in the pressure valve opening, internal gas ejecting, leakage, etc. In a certain case, along with the capacitor damage will be the burst of combustible material, which may lead to explosion and fire.
Неполярен кондензатор за високо напрежение