Порцеланови диелектрични кондензатори по работно напрежение
Porcelain dielectric capacitors can be classified according to their operating voltage: what are they used for, and their typical role can eliminate high frequency interference. High voltage dielectric capacitors are usually seen in circuits such as TV receivers and scanners.
In the life of high-voltage dielectric capacitors improper use is possible to “explosion”, which is a commonality with high-voltage dielectric capacitors. Catastrophic damage can occur when a high-voltage capacitor is operated at a voltage exceeding its nominal voltage. Failure of the insulation material may cause arcing in small units filled with oil (usually these oils act as an air barrier) resulting in evaporation of the insulating liquid, causing the capacitor to bulge, rupture or even *explode, damaging nearby equipment. Rigidly packaged cylindrical glass or plastic capacitors are more likely to blow up than the usual rectangular packaged capacitors, which are less likely to crack under high voltage. Capacitors that are used in RF circuits and operate in strong current environments for long periods of time can overheat, especially the coil in the center of the capacitor. Even though the external ambient temperature is low, this heat cannot be dissipated in time and collects inside which may quickly lead to high internal heat thus causing damage to the capacitor. Film capacitor wholesale, if one of the capacitor sets working in high energy environment fails to make the current cut off suddenly, the energy stored in other capacitors will surge to the failed capacitor, which means there is a possibility of violent explosion and affect the health and safety of human body.