The safety capacitor is divided into x type and y type. AC power input is divided into 3 terminals: Fire L/Zero N/Ground, (L=Line, N=Neutral, G=Ground). Between “L-N”, i.e. “Fire-Zero”, is the X capacitor; between “L-G/N-G”, i.e. “Fire-Ground” or “Zero-Ground”, is the X capacitor. or zero-ground” is between the Y capacitor. Between the fire wire and the zero line connected to a capacitor like “X”, and between the fire wire and the ground wire connected to a capacitor like a “Y”, these are not according to what material to be divided.
CBB15 CBB16 Invertorový svářečský kondenzátor Metalizovaný filmový kondenzátor 40μf 1250VDC

CBB15 CBB16 Invertorový svářečský kondenzátor Metalizovaný filmový kondenzátor 40μf 1250VDC
