The main application circuits are: resistive capacitance step-down circuit, EMI filtering and suppression of battery power interference circuit
It includes two types of X capacitor and Y capacitor, X capacitor is the capacitor connected between two lines of power line (L-N), generally choose metal film capacitor; Y capacitor is the capacitor connected between two lines of power line and ground (L-E, N-E), generally appear in pairs
Based on the limitation of leakage current, the value of Y capacitor should not be too large, generally X capacitor is uF level, Y capacitor is nF level
X capacitor suppresses differential mode interference, Y capacitor suppresses common mode interference
In the circuit, what will happen if the safety capacitor is damaged? The main functions of safety capacitor in power supply circuit board are filtering, isolating through crossover, and storing voltage boost.
If the amperage capacitor is damaged, these functions will only stop the circuit, or reduce the efficiency, or not work properly, only open circuit, not breakdown, will not damage other components
Ripple elektrolytisk kondensator i aluminium