The role of capacitor in the circuit: with the characteristics of DC isolation, AC connection and low frequency blocking, it is widely used in coupling, direct isolation, bypass, filtering, tuning, energy conversion and automatic control, etc.
1、film capacitor: it is connected between positive and negative of DC voltage to filter out unwanted AC components in DC power supply and make DC power smooth, usually using large-capacity electrolytic capacitors, but also can be connected in parallel with other types of small-capacity capacitors in the circuit to filter out high-frequency AC power.
2, decoupling capacitor: connected between the positive and negative power supply of the amplifier circuit to prevent the parasitic oscillation caused by the positive feedback formed by the internal resistance of the power supply.
3、Bypass capacitor: In the circuit of AC and DC signals, the capacitor is connected to both ends of the resistor or connected across the common potential from a certain point of the circuit to set a path for the AC signal or pulse signal to avoid the AC signal component from decaying due to voltage drop through the resistor.
4、Coupling capacitor: In the AC signal processing circuit, it is used to connect the signal source and signal processing circuit or as the inter-stage connection between two amplifiers, used to isolate the DC and let the AC signal or pulse signal pass through, so that the DC working points of the front and rear amplifier circuits do not affect each other.
5、Tuning capacitor: connected to both ends of the oscillation coil of the resonant circuit, playing the role of selecting the oscillation frequency.
6、Padding capacitor: the auxiliary capacitor connected in series with the main capacitor of resonant circuit, adjusting it can make the oscillation signal frequency range smaller and can significantly increase the oscillation frequency at the low frequency end.
7、Compensation capacitor: an auxiliary capacitor connected in parallel with the main capacitor of resonant circuit, adjusting it can make the frequency range of oscillation signal expand.
8, neutralization capacitor: connected between the base and emitter of the triode amplifier to form a negative feedback network to suppress the self-excited oscillation caused by the inter-pole capacitance of the triode.
9、Frequency stabilization capacitor: in the oscillation circuit, it plays the role of stabilizing the oscillation frequency.
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10、Timing capacitor: In RC time constant circuit, it is connected in series with resistor R to decide the length of charging and discharging time together.
11、Acceleration capacitor: Connected in the feedback circuit of oscillator to accelerate the positive feedback process and improve the amplitude of oscillation signal.
12、Shortening capacitor: In the UHF HF head circuit, the capacitor is connected in series to shorten the length of the oscillation inductor.
13、Crapo capacitor: In capacitor three-point oscillation circuit, the capacitor connected in series with the inductor oscillation coil, which plays the role of eliminating the effect of transistor junction capacitance on frequency stability.
14、Syrah capacitor: In capacitor three-point oscillation circuit, the capacitor connected in parallel with both ends of the inductor oscillation coil, which plays the role of eliminating the effect of transistor junction capacitance and makes the oscillator easy to start at the high frequency end.
15、Amplitude stabilizing capacitor: In the discriminator, it is used to stabilize the amplitude of the output signal.
16, pre-emphasis capacitor: in order to avoid the audio modulation signal in the processing process caused by the decay and loss of the crossover frequency, and set the RC high-frequency component to enhance the network capacitance.
17, de-emphasis capacitor: in order to restore the original companion signal, the high-frequency component of the audio signal required to be boosted by the pre-emphasis and noise together with the attenuation off, set the RC in the network capacitance.
18, phase shift capacitor: capacitance used to change the phase of the AC signal.
19、Feedback capacitor: connected across the input and output of the amplifier, so that the output signal back to the input capacitance.
20、Voltage reduction and current limiting capacitor: connected in series in the AC circuit, using the capacitor’s capacitive resistance to AC to limit the AC current, thus forming a voltage divider circuit.
21、Reverse capacitor: Used in the line scan output circuit, and connected between the collector and emitter of the line output tube to generate high voltage line scan sawtooth wave reverse pulse, the withstand voltage is generally above 1500 volts.
22, S correction capacitor: connected in series in the deflection coil circuit, used to correct the extended linear distortion of the edge of the picture tube.
23、Self-lifting booster capacitor: using the capacitor’s charging and discharging energy storage characteristics to boost the potential of a point of the circuit, so that the potential of the point reaches two times the voltage value of the supply side.
24、Elimination of bright spot capacitor: set in the visual discharge circuit, used to eliminate the residual bright spot capacitor on the picture tube when shutting down.
25、Soft start capacitor: generally connected to the base of the switching tube of the switching power supply to prevent excessive inrush current or excessive peak voltage added to the base of the switching tube when the power is turned on, resulting in damage to the switching tube.
26、Starting capacitor: It is connected in series to the secondary winding of single-phase motor to provide start-up phase shifting AC voltage for the motor, and disconnected from the secondary winding after normal operation of the motor.
27、Running capacitor: It is connected in series with the secondary winding of single-phase motor to provide phase shifted AC current for the secondary winding of the motor. It is connected in series with the secondary winding during the normal operation of the motor.