Folienkondensatoren werden hauptsächlich in vielen Industriezweigen eingesetzt, z. B. in der Elektronik, in Haushaltsgeräten, in der Kommunikation, in der elektrischen Energieversorgung, in elektrifizierten Eisenbahnen, in Hybridautos, in der Windenergieerzeugung, in der Solarenergieerzeugung usw. Die stabile Entwicklung dieser Branchen hat das Wachstum des Marktes für Folienkondensatoren vorangetrieben.
With the development of technology level, the renewal cycle of many industries such as electronics, home appliance and communication is getting shorter and shorter, and film capacitors, with their good electrical performance and high reliability, become indispensable electronic components to promote the renewal of the above industries. In the coming years, with the further development of digitalization, informatization and network construction and the increased investment in the construction of power grid, electrified railroad, energy-saving lighting, hybrid cars and the upgrading of consumer electronic products, the market demand for film capacitors will further show a rapid growth trend.
According to China Electronic Components Industry Association, the global film capacitor market is expected to grow rapidly at a rate of 15-20% by 2010, and the growth of film capacitor market will certainly drive the rapid growth of polypropylene electronic film market.
In 2012, with the national environmental protection strategy, capacitors are going to high power and high frequency.
CBB15 CBB16 Inverter-Schweißer-Kondensator Metallisierte Folie 40μf Kondensator 1250VDC

CBB15 CBB16 Inverter-Schweißer-Kondensator Metallisierte Folie 40μf Kondensator 1250VDC
