Η διαφορά μεταξύ πυκνωτή τσιπ και ηλεκτρολυτικού πυκνωτή τσιπ
The difference between chip capacitor and electrolytic capacitor. SMD capacitors, also known as MLCC, also known as multilayer (accumulation, laminated) chip ceramic capacitors, SMD capacitors are also the smallest volume of capacitors, SMD electrolytic capacitors, SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, the material used for the cathode is electrolyte, which is also the most widely used capacitors we have seen. Here we old look at the difference between the two.
1, the full name of chip capacitor is multilayer chip ceramic capacitors, is the collective name of most of the capacitors can be implemented chip package, and electrolytic capacitors are a kind of capacitor nature classification.
2, chip capacitors are divided into two categories of non-polar capacitors and polarized capacitors, polarized capacitors are generally known as electrolytic capacitors, but some electrolytic capacitors are not suitable for chip packaging, such as energy-saving lamps with aluminum electrolytic capacitors.
3, SMD capacitors are generally smaller in size, smaller in capacity and higher in precision, while electrolytic capacitors are larger in size, capacity and more types.
SMD is a processing method in the PCBA processing industry, which refers to the process of applying solder paste or red glue to the components, and then going through the SMD machine for SMD installation, and then reflow soldering. Generally SMD capacitors are smaller than the plug-in ones, which are more adaptable to the development of the times.
Chip electrolytic capacitor
1、The capacity per unit volume is very large, tens to hundreds of times larger than other kinds of capacitors.
2、The rated capacity can be very large, can easily do tens of thousands of μf or even a few f (but not compared with double layer capacitors).
3、The price is overwhelmingly superior to other types, because the materials of electrolytic capacitors are ordinary industrial materials, such as aluminum, and so on. The equipment for manufacturing electrolytic capacitors is also common industrial equipment, which can be mass-produced and the cost is relatively low.
The disadvantages of chip electrolytic capacitors are dielectric loss, large capacity error (the maximum allowable deviation is +100% and -20%), poor heat resistance, and easy to fail after long storage time.
Chip capacitors can be divided into non-polar and polarized two categories, non-polar capacitors of the following two types of packaging is the most common, namely 0805, 0603; and polarized capacitors is what we usually call electrolytic capacitors, generally we usually use the most for aluminum electrolytic capacitors and chip capacitors, in a circuit board circuit, often need to consider the price and performance factors, different types of capacitors have different performance Advantages, regardless of the chip or plug-in capacitors to choose the right one is the best for you.