1.Raw materials should be selected
Factors affecting the quality of high-voltage porcelain dielectric capacitors, in addition to the composition of porcelain materials, optimize the process of manufacturing, safety capacitor manufacturers strict process conditions is very important. Therefore, the raw materials should be considered both cost and purity, and when choosing industrial pure raw materials, we must pay attention to the applicability of raw materials.
2. Preparation of molten block
The quality of the preparation of the molten block has a great impact on the fineness of ball milling and firing of porcelain, such as low synthesis temperature of the molten block, the synthesis is not sufficient. The subsequent process is not conducive. Such as synthetic material residual Ca2+, will hinder the rolling film process: such as synthesis temperature is high, so that the frit is too hard, will affect the ball milling efficiency: the introduction of impurities in the grinding medium will reduce the powder activity, resulting in the firing temperature of porcelain parts.

3. Forming process
Moodustamine, et vältida ebaühtlast rõhku paksuse suunas, liiga palju suletud poorid blankett, kui on suured poorid või kiht praod tekitatud, mõjutab elektriline tugevus portselanist keha.
4. Firing process
Firing system should be strictly controlled, take the excellent performance of temperature control equipment and good thermal conductivity of the kiln equipment.
5. Encapsulation
Tihendusmaterjali valik, tihendusprotsessi kontroll ja portselanist osade pinna puhas töötlemine mõjutavad suurel määral kondensaatori omadusi. Ok see, peab valima hea niiskuskindlus ja portselanist korpuse pinna tihedalt kombineeritud, kõrge elektriline tugevus pakendi tihendusmaterjali. Praegu on enamik valik epoksüvaigu, mõned tooted on ka valik fenoolvaigu tihendamiseks. Samuti on võetud esimene isoleeriv värvikate ja seejärel fenoolvaigu kapseldamismeetod, millel on teatav tähtsus kulude vähendamiseks. Enamik suuremahulistest tootmisliinidest kasutab pulberkapseldamistehnoloogiat.
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