The X capacitor is also one of the safety capacitors, as the location of this capacitor is also critical. According to the actual needs, the capacitance of the X capacitor is allowed to be larger than the capacitance of the Y capacitor, but at this time must be connected in parallel with a safety resistor at both ends of the X capacitor, which is used to prevent the power cord from being unplugged, due to the charging and discharging process of the capacitor to the power cord plug charged for a long time. The safety standard stipulates that when the power cord is unplugged from the machine, within two seconds, the voltage (or potential to ground) charged at both ends of the power cord plug must be less than 30% of the original rated working voltage. x2 safety capacitor
X capacitors, as one of the safety capacitors, must also be certified by the safety testing agency. x capacitors are generally marked with safety certification mark and withstand voltage AC250V or AC275V, but their real DC withstand voltage is up to 2000V or more, so don’t use ordinary capacitors with nominal withstand voltage AC250V or DC400V as a substitute.
Paprastai X kondensatoriuje naudojamas mylaro plėvelės tipo kondensatorius su didele pulsacijos srove. Šio tipo kondensatorius yra didesnio dydžio, tačiau jo momentinė įkrovimo ir iškrovimo srovė taip pat didelė, o vidinė varža mažesnė.
15000uf 80v elektrolitinis kondensatorius

15000uf 80v elektrolitinis kondensatorius

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