The x2 amperometric capacitors are divided into x-type and y-type. Interchangeable power input is divided into 3 terminals: Fire L/Zero N/Ground, (L=Line, N=Neutral, G=Ground). Between “L-N”, i.e. “Fire-Zero” is the X capacitor; between “L-G/N-G”, i.e. “Fire-Ground” or “Zero-Ground” is the X capacitor. or zero-ground” is between the Y capacitor. A capacitor between the fire wire and zero wire is like “X”, and a capacitor between the fire wire and ground wire is like a “Y”, these are not divided by what material. It contains two examples of X capacitor and Y capacitor, X capacitor is a capacitor connected between two lines of power line (L-N), usually metal film capacitor; Y capacitor is a capacitor separated between two lines of power line and ground (L-E, N-E), usually presented in pairs. Based on the limitation of leakage current, Y capacitor value is not too large, usually X capacitor is uF level, Y capacitor is nF level. x capacitor restrains differential mode disturbance, Y capacitor restrains common mode disturbance.
x2 capacitor
The capacitance of Y capacitor must be limited so as to achieve the goal of controlling the size of the leakage current flowing through it and its effect on the EMC function of the system under the extra frequency and extra voltage induction. The voltage withstand function of Y capacitor is of great significance to cover personal safety.
2kv-1000uf Magnetizatorius kondensatorius-impulsinis kondensatorius-aukštos įtampos magnetinis kondensatorius