Ražošanas nozarē ražošanu nevar nodalīt no kvalitātes, un kvalitātei ir nepieciešama sadarbība ar ražošanu. Ražošanas kvalitāte ir cieši saistīta ar ražošanu, un tur, kur ir ražošana, ir arī kvalitātes personāls. Keramisko kondensatoru ražošana izskatās vienkārša, bet tā nav. Šķiet, ka mazs kondensators ir tikai 8 cm vai pat mazāks. Patiesībā, sākot no IQC ienākošajiem materiāliem, ražošanas pasūtījuma, procesa pārbaudes līdz gatavā produkta nosūtīšanai, katrs posms nevar atļauties kļūdas. Īpaši ražošanas procesā mēs runājam arī par novirzēm drošības kondensatoru ražošanas procesā.
Quality personnel think this is a potential big problem. Both sides have different positions, different opinions, each has its own views, the production and quality of the dispute from now on can not be opened. So should we turn a blind eye to the quality? Or find the competent person to inform the correction? In fact, this is like the police on the road and the exercise of the vehicle. The quality department is equivalent to the police on the road, the production department of film capacitor manufacturer is equivalent to the vehicle that is driving, the enterprise is the country that demands transportation, and the technical department is the mainstream and research department that makes laws and regulations, hoping that a large number of traffic flows continuously to ensure smooth transportation. If everyone drives fast and crashes all over the place, the country will also calculate and estimate these losses. The production department pursues the output and efficiency, and the quality department pursues the quality and effect. If we all have the same view of quality management, we will naturally carry out the processing of problems together, find the receiving standard together, and manage the quality in production together. It is found that the production department technicians and quality personnel are getting more and more consistent in their view of product quality.
1000uf 400v elektrolītiskais kondensators

1000uf 400v elektrolītiskais kondensators

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