Kondensatori ar drošības kategoriju tiek izmantoti tā, lai kondensatora bojājums neizraisītu elektriskās strāvas triecienu un neapdraudētu personas drošību. Drošības prasībām atbilstošus kondensatorus parasti izmanto tikai filtrēšanai prettraucējumu ķēdēs.
The discharge of the safety-regulated capacitor is different from the ordinary capacitor, the ordinary capacitor will keep the charge for a long time after the external power is disconnected, and if you touch it with your hand, you will be electrocuted, while the safety-regulated capacitor does not have this problem. For safety reasons and EMC considerations, it is generally recommended to add the safety capacitor at the power inlet.
In the AC power supply input, generally need to add three safety capacitors to suppress EMI conducted interference. They are used in the power supply filter to play the role of power supply filtering, respectively, the common mode, differential mode interference to play a filtering role.
Y capacitor between the fire wire and ground and between the zero wire and ground parallel capacitor, generally known as Y capacitor. These two Y capacitors are connected in a critical position and must comply with the relevant safety standards to prevent leakage of electronic equipment or enclosure with electricity, which can easily endanger personal safety and life. They all belong to the safety capacitor, so the capacitance value should not be large, and the withstand voltage must be high. Therefore, the total capacity of Y capacitor should not exceed 4700PF(472).
GJB151 stipulates that the capacity of Y capacitor should be no more than 0.1uF. In addition to conforming to the corresponding grid voltage withstand voltage, Y capacitors are also required to have sufficient safety margin in electrical and mechanical performance to avoid The voltage withstand performance of Y capacitor is important to protect personal safety.
Y capacitors are mostly orange or blue in appearance and generally marked with safety certification marks (such as UL, CSA, etc.) and the wording of AC250V or AC275V. However, the real DC withstand voltage is up to 5000V or more. It must be emphasized that Y capacitors should not be used as a substitute for ordinary capacitors with nominal withstand voltage of AC250V or DC400V.
2kv-1000uf magnētiskais kondensators-impulsa kondensators-augstsprieguma magnētiskais kondensators

2kv-1000uf magnētiskais kondensators-impulsa kondensators-augstsprieguma magnētiskais kondensators

The capacitor connected in parallel between the fire line and zero line suppression is generally called X capacitor. X-capacitor is also one of the safety standard capacitors, as the location of this capacitor is also critical. According to the actual needs, the capacitance of the X capacitor is allowed to be larger than the capacitance of the Y capacitor, but at this time, the X capacitor must be connected in parallel with a safety resistor at both ends, which is used to prevent the power cord from being unplugged, due to the charging and discharging process of the capacitor to the power cord plug for a long time. Safety standards, when the machine is working in the power cord is unplugged, in two seconds, the power cord plug voltage charged at both ends (or potential to ground) must be less than 30% of the original rated working voltage.
X capacitors, as one of the safety-rated capacitors, must also be certified by safety testing institutions. X capacitors are generally marked with safety certification mark and withstand voltage of AC250V or AC275V, but their real DC withstand voltage is up to 2000V or more.
Usually, the X capacitor uses the mylar film type capacitor with high ripple current. This type of capacitor is larger in size, but its instantaneous charging and discharging current is also large, and its internal resistance is small. The ripple current index of ordinary capacitors is very low, but the dynamic internal resistance is high. If we replace X capacitor with ordinary capacitor, it is difficult to meet the requirement of ripple current index in addition to the capacitance withstand voltage.
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