Os capacitores com classificação de segurança são usados de forma que a falha do capacitor não provoque choque elétrico e não coloque em risco a segurança pessoal. Os capacitores regulados por segurança geralmente são usados apenas para filtragem em circuitos anti-interferência.
  The discharge of the safety-regulated capacitor is different from the ordinary capacitor. The ordinary capacitor will keep the charge for a long time after the external power supply is disconnected, and if you touch it with your hand, you will be electrocuted, while the safety-regulated capacitor does not have this problem. For safety reasons and EMC considerations, it is generally recommended to add the safety capacitor at the power inlet.
  In the AC power supply input, generally need to add three safety capacitors to suppress EMI conducted interference. They are used in the power supply filter to play the role of power supply filtering, respectively, the common mode, differential mode interference to play a filtering role.
Capacitor de magnetizador de 2kv-1000uf - Capacitor de pulso - Capacitor de magnetizador de alta tensão

Capacitor de magnetizador de 2kv-1000uf - Capacitor de pulso - Capacitor de magnetizador de alta tensão

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