High voltage porcelain chip capacitor is a round plate capacitor with ceramic material as medium, in the “porcelain chip” capacitor bai is generally called low voltage below DC50v, DC100V~500V for medium and high voltage, DC1000v~6000v and for high voltage, the safety Y capacitor also belongs to high voltage, DC6000v above is super high voltage.
High-voltage porcelain chip capacitor role has the characteristics of wear-resistant DC high voltage, suitable for high-voltage bypass and coupling circuit, where the low-dissipation high-voltage disc has low dielectric loss, especially suitable for use in circuits such as TV receivers and scanning
Safety-rated capacitors are used in such a way that the failure of the capacitor will not lead to electric shock and will not endanger personal safety. It includes x capacitor and y capacitor. The x capacitor is the capacitor connected between two lines of power line (L-N), and the metal film capacitor is generally used; the Y capacitor is the capacitor connected between two lines of power line and ground (L-E, N-E) respectively, and is generally found in pairs. Based on the limitation of leakage current, the value of Y capacitor should not be too large, generally X capacitor is uF level, Y capacitor is nF level, X capacitor suppresses differential mode interference, Y capacitor suppresses common mode interference.
Nepolárny vysokonapäťový kondenzátor

Nepolárny vysokonapäťový kondenzátor

Y capacitors are mostly orange or blue in appearance, usually marked with safety certification mark (such as UL, CSA, etc.) and withstand voltage of AC250V or AC275V. However, the true DC withstand voltage is up to 5000V or more. It must be emphasized that Y capacitors should not be used as a substitute for ordinary capacitors with nominal withstand voltage of AC250V or DC400V.
X capacitor, as one of the safety capacitors, must also be certified by the safety testing organization. X capacitor is generally marked with safety certification mark and withstand voltage AC250V or AC275V, but its real DC withstand voltage is more than 2000V.
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