Classification of film capacitors and their advantages and characteristics
Film capacitors are classified according to the type of plastic film: polyethylene-based capacitors (also known as Mylar capacitors), polypropylene capacitors (also known as PP capacitors), polystyrene capacitors (also known as PS capacitors), and polycarbonate capacitors.
Štruktúra je rovnaká ako u kondenzátorov s papierovým dielektrikom a dielektrikom je polyester alebo polystyrén atď. Polyesterový filmový kondenzátor má vysokú dielektrickú konštantu, malé rozmery, veľkú kapacitu, lepšiu stabilitu a je vhodný na obtokový kondenzátor. Polystyrénové filmové kondenzátory s nízkymi dielektrickými stratami a vysokým izolačným odporom, ale veľkým teplotným koeficientom, možno použiť vo vysokofrekvenčných obvodoch.
Výhody filmových kondenzátorov
200F 2,7V superkondenzátor 16V
Film capacitor is a kind of capacitor with better performance because it has many excellent characteristics. Its main characteristics are as follows: non-polarity, high insulation impedance, excellent frequency characteristics (wide frequency response), and very small dielectric loss. Based on these advantages, so film capacitors are used in a large number of analog circuits. Especially in the signal interconnection part, it is necessary to use capacitors with good frequency characteristics and very low dielectric loss to ensure that the signal is transmitted without too much distortion. Among all the plastic film capacitors, polypropylene (PP) capacitors and polystyrene (PS) capacitors have the most significant characteristics, but of course the price of these two capacitors is also relatively high. However, in order to improve the sound quality of audio equipment, the materials used in the parts have become more and more advanced, and the price is not the most important consideration, so PP and PS capacitors are used in audio equipment more and more frequently and in higher quantities.