Film capacitors are made by overlapping a metal foil such as aluminum as the electrode and a plastic film and winding it together. However, there is another manufacturing method for film capacitors, called Metallized Film, which is made by vacuum vaporizing a thin layer of metal on plastic film as the electrode. This can eliminate the thickness of the electrode foil and reduce the volume of the capacitor unit capacity, so the film capacitor is easier to be made into a small, high-capacity capacitor. For example, the common MKP capacitor is the synonym of Metailized Polypropylene Film Capacitor, while MKT is the synonym of Metailized Polyester Capacitor.
14D270K Epoxidová živica Filmový varistor oxidu zinočnatého

14D270K Epoxidová živica Filmový varistor oxidu zinočnatého
