Ceramic capacitor (ceramiccapacitor; ceramiccondenser) is made by using ceramic as the dielectric, spraying 1653 silver layer on both sides of the ceramic substrate, and then firing into silver film as the pole plate by low temperature.
Its shape is mostly chip type, but there are also tube, round and other shapes
CBB capacitor is polypropylene capacitor
Polypropylene capacitor (CBB) Capacitance: 1000p–10u Rated voltage: 63-2000V Main features: stable, low loss, large volume Application: replace most polyphenylene or mica capacitors, used in circuits with high requirements
Same shape as some film capacitors
Non-inductance CBB capacitor is made of 2 layers of polypropylene plastic and 2 layers of metal foil alternately sandwiched and then bundled. Non-inductance, good high frequency characteristics, small volume is not suitable for large capacity, high price, and poor heat resistance. Safety capacitor is a capacitor that does not cause electric shock and does not endanger personal safety when the capacitor fails.
The difference between the three: 1ใCeramic capacitor is the porcelain dielectric capacitor used for high frequency and high voltage, in which the rated voltage of 400V and 250V capacitors are named Y1Y2 capacitor, which is the safety standard porcelain chip capacitor.
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