(1) raw materials to be selected
Factors affecting the quality of high-voltage ceramic capacitors, in addition to the composition of the porcelain material, optimize the process of manufacturing, strict process conditions is very important. Therefore, the raw materials should be considered both the cost and pay attention to the purity, the choice of industrial pure raw materials, must pay attention to the applicability of raw materials.
(2) the preparation of molten blocks
The quality of the preparation of the melt block has a great influence on the ball mill fineness and firing of the porcelain, such as low synthesis temperature of the melt block, the synthesis is not sufficient. The film capacitor manufacturer is not good for the subsequent process. If the residual Ca2+ in the synthesized material will hinder the rolling film process: if the synthesis temperature is high, making the frit too hard will affect the ball milling efficiency: the introduction of impurities in the grinding medium will reduce the powder activity and lead to higher firing temperature of porcelain parts.
(3) molding process
Oblikovanje za preprečevanje neenakomernega pritiska v smeri debeline, preveč zaprtih por praznega izdelka, če nastanejo velike pore ali razpoke v plasti, bo vplivalo na električno trdnost porcelanskega telesa.
(4) postopek žganja
Treba je strogo nadzorovati sistem kurjenja, upoštevati odlično delovanje opreme za nadzor temperature in dobro toplotno prevodnost opreme peči.
(5) tesnjenje paketa
Izbira tesnilnega materiala, nadzor postopka tesnjenja in čista obdelava površine porcelanskih delov imajo velik vpliv na lastnosti kondenzatorja. Ok to, je treba izbrati dobro odpornost proti vlagi in površino porcelanskega telesa tesno skupaj, visoko električno trdnost paketa tesnilnega materiala. Trenutno je največkrat izbrana epoksidna smola, nekaj izdelkov pa ima za tesnjenje tudi fenolno smolo. Prav tako se najprej uporabi izolacijski premaz z barvo in nato metoda enkapsulacije s fenolno smolo, ki ima določen pomen za zmanjšanje stroškov. Večina velikih proizvodnih linij uporablja tehnologijo enkapsulacije v prahu.
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