Защитный конденсатор подразделяется на тип x и тип y
Защитный конденсатор подразделяется на тип x и тип y. Вход питания переменного тока разделен на 3 клеммы: Fire L/Zero N/Ground, (L=Line, N=Neutral, G=Ground). Между "L-N", т.е. "огонь-ноль", находится конденсатор X; между "L-G/N-G", т.е. "огонь-земля" или "ноль-земля", находится конденсатор X. или "ноль-земля" находится между конденсатором Y. Между огненным проводом и нулевой линией, подключенной к конденсатору типа "X", и между огненным проводом и проводом заземления, подключенным к конденсатору типа "Y", это не зависит от того, какой материал нужно разделить.
X capacitor: Because the location of this capacitor is also critical, it also needs to comply with the relevant safety standards. x capacitor is also one of the safety capacitors. According to the actual needs, the capacitance of the X capacitor is allowed to be larger than the capacitance of the Y capacitor, but at this time must be connected in parallel with a safety resistor at both ends of the X capacitor, used to prevent the power cord unplugged, due to the charging and discharging process of the capacitor to the power cord plug charged for a long time. Safety standards, when the machine is working in the power cord is unplugged, in two seconds, the power cord plug voltage charged at both ends (or potential to ground) must be less than 30% of the original rated working voltage.
As one of the safety capacitors, X capacitor is also required to obtain the certification from the safety testing agency. X capacitor is generally marked with safety certification mark and withstand voltage AC250V or AC275V, but its real DC withstand voltage is up to 2000V or more, so don’t use ordinary capacitors with nominal withstand voltage AC250V or DC400V as a substitute.
Обычно в конденсаторах X используется конденсатор типа майларовой пленки с высоким током пульсаций. Этот тип конденсатора больше по размеру, но его мгновенный ток зарядки и разрядки также велик, а его внутреннее сопротивление меньше.
Y capacitors: The two Y capacitors are connected in critical positions and must comply with the relevant safety standards to prevent leakage from electronic devices or electrically charged cases, which can easily endanger personal safety and lives. They are safety capacitors, which require the capacitance value not to be large, and the withstand voltage must be high. Therefore, the total capacity of Y capacitor should not exceed 4700PF (472). Ceramic Capacitor
GJB151 stipulates that the capacity of Y capacitor should be no more than 0.1uF. In addition to conforming to the corresponding grid voltage withstand voltage, Y capacitors are required to have sufficient safety margin in electrical and mechanical performance to avoid The voltage withstand performance of Y capacitor is important to protect personal safety. Film Capacitor