Причина взрыва амперометрического конденсатора кроется здесь
Today, a customer asked me: “Why do capacitors blow up? A batch of capacitors we purchased from another company had blown up before, the quality of your capacitors is fine, right? Will this happen?” Here I would like to say ah, capacitor cracking is not a new thing, and there are many reasons for this situation, but the quality of our production of safety capacitors is no problem, the following I will tell you the causes of capacitor cracking.
1) The quality of the safety capacitor is not up to par. This point I believe that everyone will understand, safety capacitors are safety capacitors, and they are certified. You can ask the manufacturer for the certification number when you buy the safety capacitor to ensure that the capacitor you buy is quality assured. Quality can also be subdivided into poor sealing, internal freeing, damage to the case insulation, etc. The manufacturing process and materials can also cause the quality of the amperometric capacitors to fail, so you should choose a manufacturer with quality assurance when buying amperometric capacitors.
2)Closing with electric charge. If the polarity of the voltage at the moment of closing is exactly opposite to the polarity of the residual charge on the capacitor, the sum of the two voltages will produce a large inrush current in the circuit, which will easily cause overheating and blowing. Therefore, each time the capacitor bank is closed, the capacitor must be discharged after the circuit breaker is disconnected for 5 minutes.
There are several reasons for the explosion of the safety capacitor, which are summarized above: improper quality and human operation, improper human use. We must pay attention to it. We specialize in manufacturing amperometric capacitors, varistors, film capacitors, Cucab series capacitors are your safe choice.