Cucab, a manufacturer of safety capacitors, tells you that over the years, EMC technology as a whole has shown a tendency to evolve rapidly, which involves a variety of corresponding means and technologies. Generally speaking, it is necessary to select EMC technology flexibly for the comprehensive prevention and control of hazardous electromagnetic interference, which should typically include electromagnetic absorption, electromagnetic shielding, system grounding and filtering technology. On this basis, for different kinds of electromagnetic compatibility technology should focus on a full range of flexible selection, so as to ensure that electromagnetic compatibility technology can really serve the comprehensive prevention and control of electromagnetic interference. Suzhou Jialong electronic technology editor has compiled the following knowledge for you.
First, to explore the various hazards caused by electromagnetic interference
From the current situation, various daily life areas can not be separated from electronic equipment. But should not be ignored, the electronic equipment itself will cause prominent electromagnetic interference, to the detriment of the Z fundamental human health. In severe cases, electromagnetic interference will also cause a variety of human diseases and impair the inherent performance of electronic equipment. Specifically, electromagnetic interference is likely to manifest itself in the following significant hazards.
1, the human health suffered harm
As a result of a longer period of electromagnetic radiation interference, then once beyond the limits of human tolerance, it will cause a variety of health damage with it. At the same time, electromagnetic radiation will also cause a heavy degree of health risks and health threats. This is mainly due to the fact that the radiation energy will act directly on specific human organs or human tissues, thus producing a prominent non-thermal or radiothermal effect. Under this premise, comprehensive prevention and control of potential electromagnetic radiation is also in the protection of human health, which needs to raise wider concern. Safety capacitor
2, the inherent performance of electronic equipment is impaired
Some conducted electromagnetic interference will impair the inherent performance of electronic equipment, or bring obvious disaster consequences. For example, for high-frequency scalpel or microwave electrotherapy equipment and a variety of medical equipment, such equipment, if presented with a high frequency of space radiation, then it is likely to impair the performance of other equipment with its proximity. In severe cases, electronic equipment in the same circuit range will present some sudden disasters. x2 amperometric capacitors
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Second, the characteristics and connotation of electromagnetic compatibility technology
According to the relevant standards at this stage, electromagnetic compatibility technology should refer to the coexistence of various subsystems and various types of equipment in a specific electromagnetic environment that can maintain a strong stability and will not detract from their respective executive functions. Specifically in practice, electromagnetic compatibility technology should usually include subsystems and certain electromagnetic equipment, the purpose of such technology is to ensure that the above-mentioned equipment will not suffer from frequent or severe electromagnetic interference, thus detracting from their original equipment performance. In addition, EMC technology also aims to prevent and control the interference from the surrounding environment and ensure that the above-mentioned electromagnetic interference is kept within acceptable limits. Ceramic Capacitors
It can be seen that EMC technology itself needs to be built on the premise of three core elements: electromagnetic coupling pathways, electromagnetic interference sources and sensitive equipment. In the comprehensive focus on the prevention and control of electromagnetic interference at the same time, for a variety of transmission channels should be cut off accordingly, at the same time, about the above-mentioned electromagnetic compatibility technology also need to deepen the analysis of anti-interference performance enhancement measures, sensitive equipment to show the response mode and other relevant points.
CBB15 CBB16 Інверторний зварювальний апарат Конденсатор металізована плівка 40 мкФ Конденсатор 1250В постійного струму