With the development of technology, the electronic products in our life have also improved our quality of life. Nowadays, flashlights, cell phones, TV sets, coffee machines, etc. are all inseparable from our capacitors. Cucab is going to talk about the safety capacitor, compared with ordinary capacitors, where the advantages of the safety capacitor, together with Cucab to understand it.
Compared with ordinary capacitors, the advantages of safety capacitors.
①The safety of the safety capacitor is high.
②The life span of the same specification of the safety gauge capacitor is several times that of the ordinary capacitor.
③After the failure of safety-regulated capacitors, it will not lead to electric shock and will not endanger personal safety.
④The discharge of the safety-regulated capacitor is different from the ordinary capacitor. The ordinary capacitor will keep the charge for a long time after the external power supply is disconnected, and if you touch it with your hand, you will be electrocuted, but this will not happen with the safety-regulated capacitor.
Cucab specializes in the production of safety capacitors, and the quality of capacitors is guaranteed, from the traditional production process to the current automatic equipment manufacturing, which guarantees the quality and efficiency of the products, and the delivery time is fast. If you have technical problems, you can contact us, we will try our best to solve your problems.
200F 2.7V Суперконденсатор 16V

200F 2.7V Суперконденсатор 16V

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