1 Preface
Electromagnetic interference in switching power supply modules has always been an important solution point. In principle, electromagnetic interference mainly comes from two aspects, which are conducted interference and radiation interference.
2 Conducted interference
Due to the existence of parasitic parameters in the circuit, as well as the switching power supply in the FM switching device on and off, so that the switching power supply in the mains AC input to produce a large common mode interference and differential mode interference.
3 Radiation interference
As the change of current in the conductor will produce a changing magnetic field in the space around it, and the changing magnetic field produces a changing electric field, the amplitude and frequency of this changing current determines the size of the electromagnetic generated and its range of action. In order to mitigate and resist the harm caused by these electromagnetic disturbances to the power grid and electronic equipment, engineers add X and Y capacitors to the circuit design.
4 X Capacitor Role
The X capacitor is used to eliminate differential mode interference. It is mainly used for filtering, matching with the common mode inductor, and connected in parallel at both ends of the input to filter out the differential mode signal between L and N lines. Usually, it is used to use mylar film type capacitor with high ripple current resistance, which is larger in size and allows larger instantaneous charging and discharging current, while its internal resistance is smaller accordingly. In addition, the X capacitor will also use the plastic square high-voltage CBB capacitor, CBB capacitor not only has better electrical performance, but also can effectively reduce the impact of high frequency pulse on the power supply when connected in parallel with the input of the power supply.
Condensateur magnétiseur 2kv-1000uf-Condensateur d'impulsion-Condensateur magnétiseur haute tension