
One end of the capacitor is connected to the power supply, and the other end is grounded, so what does this do?

Look at the location of this electricity, if in the [...]

Przez |2022-08-02T13:03:24+00:00lipiec 22, 2022|Technologia|0 Komentarzy

Różnica między wysokonapięciowymi kondensatorami porcelanowymi a kondensatorami bezpieczeństwa

Safety-compliant capacitors are capacitors to be attacked by safety certification, [...]

Przez |2022-08-02T13:03:26+00:00lipiec 22, 2022|Technologia|0 Komentarzy

What is the essence and main difference between high-voltage porcelain chip capacitors and safety gauge capacitors, and can they be replaced?

High voltage porcelain chip capacitor is a round plate capacitor [...]

Przez |2022-08-02T13:03:26+00:00lipiec 22, 2022|Technologia|0 Komentarzy

Czy jest jakaś różnica między kondensatorami ceramicznymi a kondensatorami CBB i kondensatorami bezpieczeństwa?

Ceramic capacitor (ceramiccapacitor; ceramiccondenser) is made by using ceramic as [...]

Przez |2022-08-02T13:03:26+00:00lipiec 22, 2022|Technologia|0 Komentarzy
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